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Lincoln Park Zoo - Real Haunt in Chicago IL

  • 2001 N Clark St.
  • Chicago, IL
The Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago is located where there once was a cemetery. The Chicago City Cemetery was open from 1843 to 1859 and it held the remains of more than 35,000 people. Stories say that as many as 12,000 bodies still remain under the zoo, which is to blame for most of the hauntings that take place there.

Some of the eerie occurrences at the zoo include that of ghosts wearing Victorian era clothing wandering throughout the park. They appear out of nowhere and then disappear quickly. One of these ghostly women is usually spotted near the Lion House walking around, oblivious to visitors passing by. This same ghost has also been seen in a ladies restroom near this exhibit. Her reflection has been seen in the mirror, only to disappear when the person turns around. Flickering lights and doors slamming on their own have also been reported at the zoo.
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  • Regarding "I think this is fake" headline above

    It doesn't give a name you wish to be known as, so for whoever you are. While at the Zoo did you interact with anyone other than those you know who attended the zoo with you? Did you smile, wink, talk to anyone else at any time while in the zoo? I ask because I know of two people who interacted with others, including carrying on a conversation with them, had other people witness them have the conversation, and then later the same day found out the person they had the conversation had been dead for over 24 hours in one instance and in the other had been dead for over 5 years. So for all you know half the people you saw that day may have been ghosts, trust me, they don't all look like traditional ghosts, they look just like You and I.

    Posted 10/6/23

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  • I think this is fake

    I have been there many times and I have never seen anything but who knows this can be real.

    Posted 10/28/22

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Last edit to this listing: 4/19/2021 (1434 days ago)

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