Massock Mausoleum - Real Spring Valley Haunted Place

- Lithuanian Liberty Cemetery
- Spring Valley, IL
- Average Review
- (7 reviews)
- Listing Categories
- Real Haunted Cemeteries
- Open To Public
- Yes - Open To Public
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- Abandoned Train Bridge4.4 miles away
- Kaskaskia Hotel5.4 miles away
- Moon Point Cemetery - Moon Creek Cemetery23.7 miles away
- Aux Sable Cemetery44.6 miles away
- Peoria Players Theatre45.9 miles away
- Conover Square48.1 miles away
Recently Shared Experiences & Comments
Share Your ExperiencesIt is haunted!
My husband and I and my step daughter wanted to check it out. I am a believer, he was not. We pulled up to the opening with the chain and parked on the road. Was worried about someone driving up the hill and possibly hitting my car but then decided it would be totally worth it and as I park the car I got this feeling that I should not go in there so I sent my husband with my phone to take pictures of everything in about 10 minutes later he came back and was freaked out so while he was sitting in the car I grabbed my phone and I told the spirit that was standing next to my vehicle to smile but I just wanted a picture I was not there to do any harm to anything there and that I just heard about them and you're kind of famous and would really like a picture of them well but I could not believe was that the picture of the person I caught had a farmer-like hat and had a huge smile on his face almost kind of menacing. Then I looked at the pictures my husband took and I had the motion photo on and what I found was someone was trying to grab my husband multiple times someone threw a hatchet at my husband someone hid behind a tree watching my husband and I caught so much of evidence; that place is for sure haunted but what I didn't know was that that night I would be taking something home with me that would stay with me for 6 months and I had to have someone come in with palo Santo and smudge the house and myself and the evidence I caught during me smudging is unreal I believe it was the mail witch that they talk about but I guess I will never know
Posted 12/15/24Used to be a lot scarier but nothing than that.
I grew up in this town spring valley Illinois during the '70s and '80s. The hatchet Man legend was always around while growing up. The teenagers breaking in and stealing a skull was always a story being told by adults while I was a child. No one could ever give a name to the people or any police reports produced. When I was growing up the story was the early fifties now the story is the '60s. Door being warm to the touch is simple science. Concrete wall absorb heat from sunlight and keep it for a while so yes sometimes it is warm to the touch but that is why. The holy water story started from a weekly world news article around 83 or 84. If you know anything about the weekly world news then you're familiar with the bat boy, I had bigfoot's love child, and Elvis was abducted by aliens to do a concert on their planet. This cemetery used to be a lot creepier in the '80 s when I was in high school there were no houses around and it was overgrown. It was a good place for teenagers to go try to get scared but nothing more than that. If you're going to drive hours to go see this I would say you're wasting your time.
Posted 10/4/232 out of 2 found this review helpful
Something Followed My friends kid
We went during the day because we had my friends young son with us (who is very interested in exploring haunted places). We drover past the cemetery a few times before we realized where the entrance was as it’s almost impossible to find. I had not read up on any of the legends or stories told about the mausoleum so we had no idea what to look for. We walked around for a bit and looked at the old graves and checked out the mausoleum. Nothing felt off to me until we were getting ready to leave and my friends kid starts running towards the entrance (not from anything, just running because he’s a kid) as he was running he rand passed me and I swear I saw a dark figure running along side him. I did a double take and saw nothing there second time around but as he’s running towards the entrance he stops dead in his tracks and immediately turns his head to the mausoleum and asks if the holes at the top are for them (the dead) to look out of. They’re just ventilation holes but I thought the whole situation was kind of spooky.
Posted 8/5/213 out of 3 found this review helpful
Me, my boyfriend, and his friends decided to go up here after a day long trip to Chicago. We stopped in geneseo and were almost immediately stopped by a few police officers. They questioned us and searched our car. When asked where we were going we told them the location of this cemetery. One of the officers replied that he lived in spring valley. The whole interaction was so weird and we couldn’t figure out why. The one officer in particular shuffled around the fact that we said this cemetery was haunted. He said he’s never even heard of it which is so weird because of the multiple news articles online. What’s even crazier is that another officer listed several supposedly haunted cemeteries (at least 5) in and around our home town of Davenport. He completely disregarded whatever we said about this one in particular. Anyways, they confiscated our minuscule amount of alcohol, our Roman candles and sent us on our way. We got to the road where the cemetery was at exactly 3:00 am. It took us several trips up and down the road to find the entrance that was roped by a wire and two metal posts. The cemetery is completely encompassed by a Forested area and adjacent to the cemetery is a cul-de-sac of several modern homes. We entered the cemetery and were surprised about the stillness of the area. We could make out several toppled and dirt encrusted grave stones, some of which date back to the late 1800s and early 1900s. To the upper right hand side we spotted the mausoleum. We walked up to and around it feeling no warmth as reported by this post. The two girls proceeded to walk back towards the entrance while me, my bf, and his friend decided to explore more of the site. We started up a trail on the hill towards more graves. As we walked up the hill we could hear a ringing in all of our ears. When we came to the top we were met by a large stone inscribed with the name of the cemetery. The area of graves was circled by large trees and overgrowth from the forest. Everything started getting really creepy from there on. The ringing had turned to this almost monotone open-mouthed whistle. The ground was so soft it made us wretch and it began to sprinkle rain. As we started walking we were met with this incredibly sweet smell, it smelled like honeysuckle/honey dew. We stood in the open area for several minutes trying to take in all the stimuli. I remembered that further back in the cemetery it was dead quiet and in this opening we could hear a massive amount of crickets chirping. Suddenly my bf and his stop dead in their tracks. Just above eye level there were two glowing eyes with a slight greenish hue. Just like that the eyes fade behind a tree. We began to run like hell down the path to where the girls were. I tripped, falling flat on my butt as everyone hightailed it back to the car. Once we drove off everyone began to to talk about what happened. What’s super creepy is that the girls were on the road in an open space and they felt zero rain...
Posted 7/12/211 out of 3 found this review helpful
Definitely haunted
Went there with friends around midnight multiple times while in High School. One of the nights, we turned the car and lights off at exactly midnight because we heard people saying "it has to be at midnight." We heard faint moaning sounds in the distance so I (in the passenger seat) told the driver to leave. I did not believe in ghosts or anything supernatural but that noise freaked me out enough to want to leave. His car took three attempts to start (probably just a coincidence, it was an old family van). I had my arm out the window as we drove away and felt something on my arm. My friend in the back seat said she saw somebody but nobody else saw anything or anyone. When I got home and got in the shower, I had scratches on my arm that appeared to be from finger nails. Two days later, that same driver gave me a ride home and I saw on the passenger side door, near the window that I had my arm out of, were scratches that lined up perfectly with the scratches on my arm.
Posted 6/8/214 out of 5 found this review helpful
I wanna its haunted
I have gone there with a friend and i do believe i caught something on camera .but i do plan on going back and to explore some more :) it was by the Mausoleum that i caught a dark figured shadow . and when i took this picture there was no one there my friend was already on the street when i decided to take another photo just for the hell of it later that night i seen it in my picture
Posted 7/2/206 out of 6 found this review helpful
its haunted
heard weirds sounds coming from the mausoleum. also have been having nightmares of spirits chasing me every since i went there. i will check it out alone at night sometime.
Posted 10/4/186 out of 7 found this review helpful
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Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3280 days ago)