
Mount Olivet Cemetery - Real Haunts in Aurora IL

  • 278 Ashland Ave.
  • Aurora, IL
  • (630) 897-9250
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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This cemetery was established in the 1850's and has a very specific type of haunting. It has been reported that spectral ghosts have been seen wearing 1950's clothing and appear throughout the cemetery, only to vanish before getting a second look.
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  • Very Active

    My husband and I came here to explore tonight and we filmed a short video of our experience. We were able to catch a mist on camera, and also saw lots of dark shadows that would dart from one area to the next that we were not able to catch on camera. We saw a lot of spirits appear and disappear before we could make sense of what it was we saw. We also caught some EVPs in our video. We asked for any names and heard a man's voice that sounded like he said "Adam" (Which I heard out loud). We also were talking about how crazy the world is right now, and recognized that they might have had some crazy times too. We recieved the response "Yup" from a woman (Which I also heard out loud). While driving to another area of the cemetary, we caught a woman's voice saying "Hey!". We also periodically heard background talking while we were talking and asking questions. Even though this cemetary is active, we felt nothing but love and happiness there. This is not in anyway an evil place, the spirits were so friendly. When we first got there, my left arm felt very cold and eventually the feeling moved to my hand. It felt like someone was holding me with love. We had an amazing experience and will be returning!

    Posted 10/31/20

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  • Come inside

    A few days ago me and some friends went ghost hunting. We decided to visit this cemetery without any prior knowledge of it being haunted. we waled towards the back by a building. We turned our spirit box on and started to communicate with the spirits. A few minutes in we here the door start to squeek the the voice box said 'come inside.' The door proceeded to squeek even harder after that.

    Posted 4/11/20

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    11 out of 11 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (630) 897-9250

Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 6,121
Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3280 days ago)

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