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Violin Annie - Elmwood Cemetery - Real Haunt in Centralia IL

  • Elmwood Cemetery
  • Centralia, IL
  • (618) 533-7646
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Local stories say that Harriet Anne Marshall (Annie) was an accomplished violinist, and the daughter of a wealthy doctor. She became ill and died of diptheria, and her parents placed a statue of her playing the violin at her grave. Cemetery visitors have reported hearing the violin at night, although many say that vandals have broken the bow off the statue.
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  • Shadow Master

    I been there before before because my hometown is Centralia I lived there for 30 years .

    Posted 3/8/22

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  • She just wants to play.

    Me and my grandbabies have went to see Annie several times.We have had a decent experience. I felt a warmth over me and she ask to play.She was very sweet and gentle and the grandbabies left her some toys.We go play with her frequently.I have pictures I took standing in the same spot and 4 shots where things were not marked on the grave then the next picture I took it was gone.The last one I took is when we told her bye we would be back another day a apparition of a angel woman appeared on the gravemarker.

    Posted 9/19/21

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  • Violin Annie

    She used to have emeralds for eyes but they were stolen

    Posted 6/24/21

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  • of. "Old Lady Slinky"

    I grew up in central city. I lived about a block away. I explored that whole area at many different times of the day and night. And yes Annie does play her violin quite often. Not any devices of any kind to set the music off. My opinion is it was a lot scarier before the trailer park was behind the lions park. Back in "old lady Slinky's" days. If you are around 50 years of age and older you will remember her and her son. They topped the haunted cemetary off.

    Posted 5/24/21

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  • My childhood playground

    I spent summers with my Dad in Centralia Il. He is also buried in this cemetery. I never heard the violin but the land and monument have a particular energy to them. She is the crown jewel and the most elaborate memorial in the cemetery. If your in the area it's an interesting stop but not notable or worthy of a destination.

    Posted 9/16/20

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    Went there at night with my sister and girlfriend back in 2013. We walked up by the grave and sounded like she was playing her violin. We looked all over the grave and was nothing on it but there was a toy sensor on the ground that played when you walked by it. if you go look on the ground it might still be there

    Posted 12/28/19

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Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3280 days ago)

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