
Woodstock Opera House - Woodstock IL Real Haunted Places

  • 121 W. Van Buren St.
  • Woodstock, IL
  • (815) 338-5300
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Reports say that during performances at this opera house, a certain seat in the balcony (DD113) is always left empty for a resident ghost named Elvira. When she is attending a performance, her spring-loaded chair is seen folded down. She is said to be beautiful with long blonde hair and a gauzy gown. She has also appeared in the halls and looking out the upper windows. She has also inhabited the bodies of young actresses and moves props and scenery, and if anyone messes up a line, she can be heard sighing.
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  • The Haunting of my home town opera house

    When i was little i would go on field trips from to the opera house in down town at the square when i would go in the opera house i could feel the presents of a spirt that did not wan't me their.when i wold walk down to the podium room or the place where the show were hosted i could feel some one touching my are and say to me HELP ME!!!!!!.It sound like a girl or a women's voice.And when i would leave i could see and object follow me around the corner.So after my experience their.I was freaked out.Now to this day i became a paranormal investigator and i plan to go investigate it again more futher.

    Posted 11/1/21

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  • Used to work here

    I worked here as a custodian and occasional lighting tech. The experiences I had were rather infrequent, but had a lasting impression on my thoughts of the paranormal. I never witnessed anything visually, saw anything or anyone really. However, my employee locker located in the basement was my least favorite place to be. I heard my name called several times down there and always left the area with goosebumps and chills. Often times these chills would stick with me as I went up the elevator. The only other place I felt this was on the balcony when I was alone. I hadn't heard of the Elvira story until after I left this job, but thinking back to it now, maybe there is some validity.

    Posted 9/23/21

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Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3282 days ago)

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