
Heap's Haunted Corn Maze & Moonlight Hayrides

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Haunted Hay Rides, Haunted Mazes / Haunted Corn Mazes, Pumpkin Patches, Hay Rides (Kid Friendly), Mazes / Corn Mazes (Kid Friendly)
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Legend has it that....... 150 years ago the Heap Family purchased a Healthy plot of farm land. It has been told, that the previous owner was a peculiar eccentric old chap who grew several acres of corn to trade with local farmers. No one really knows why but eventually , he started to shred everything he found. He shredded belongings, his home, and everything in his estate. He flat out went insane. The town folks started calling him "The Shredder". One dark foggy night, "The Shredder" came up missing under a full moon. The following day a search party went looking for him but never found the old man. The one thing they did find was, shredded corn stalks from boundary line to boundary line. They also discovered blood soaked tracks leading into one of his fields that disappeared into the rows of corn. He was never seen again.

Now on full moons, the old man can be seen walking in and out of the cornfield. The dark shadowy figure comes out to feed, and can at times be heard laughing insanely with the unknown forces that lie within the boundaries of his corn. Some people have witnessed odd looking lights looming within the corn.

The family dog refuses to go near the corn. And in the fall when the family harvests their corn crop, they always get this ere feeling that someone is watching and lingering in the corn. At times the earth cracks open for no reason at all, or out in the Middle of the cornfield lies a shredded row of corn.

Heaps Haunted Corn Maze: Get ready to scream!

Moonlight Hayride: (Non-Haunted) Tractor drawn hayride through the farm.

If you are up for a relaxing evening under the stars in the country, then this is the attraction for you! The tractor will take you on a 20-30 minute moonlight hayride through the farm. It is extremely peaceful and the night lit sky will make the experience worthwhile.

Flashlight Maze: (Non-Haunted) Think you’re an excellent problem solver? Try your hand in the flash light maze.
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All photos and videos within this listing are the property of Heap's Haunted Corn Maze & Moonlight Hayrides
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Located 8 miles west of I-55 on US 52. (Exit 253) From I-55: Take I-55 to Route 52 (exit #253). Then go 8 miles west and our farm is on the right. From I-80: Take I-80 to ridge road Minooka (Exit #122). Then go 3.5 miles north. Next, turn left on US-52 and go four miles. Our farm is located on the right side of the road.

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  • Awesome corn maze for the price.

    This is one corn maze that exceeded the value of the ticket for me and my friends. i recommend this haunted corn maze to my friends every year. The atmosphere is creepy being surrounded by all these acres of corn practically in the middle of nowhere. It really amplifies the creepy factor. The haunted corn maze itself was fun and the props and decorations only added to feel of the of the maze.

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    Posted March 2017

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  • Awesome…….Frightening Experience

    My cousin and I did this last year. I have to say they did an awesome job scaring us both. Firstly, being in a maze at night is a little scary itself…..but going in there (just us two, because we were are own little group) is quite intimidating. You can't see who's in front of you, on the floor (Yikes) or behind you….it is quite scary. I've gone to other hunted houses and I have to say they didn't compare. I think it's because you go in large groups so you can see what's going to happen or who's going to grab you… the maze you have no way of knowing. So I definitely recommend this to anyone who likes to get scared you definitely will on this Haunted Maze.

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2015

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  • Best Time Ever

    Great time. Actors did a great job. Would recommend to anyone

    Posted October 2014

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

Heap's Haunted Corn Maze & Moonlight Hayrides
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