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The Kill On Old Mill

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The farm, the farm – nobody knows what’s happening there anymore, especially in 2020. Things just haven’t been right since the elderly, slightly deranged, pumpkin farmer disappeared. It’s now believed that he shouldn’t have planted his crops so close to the cemetery where ritualistic activities have been occurring. Even the authorities are hesitant to investigate what is going on at the property. The pumpkin patch and cemetery have become overgrown and upkeep has all but ceased. One can’t help but have a feeling that there is something evil lurking in the overgrown foliage, watching, waiting, for the ideal time to emerge from hiding and attack the unsuspecting. Will you be next...........

New graves have been dug. Some of the farm help have returned, but they’re not looking or acting quite right. A few years ago, a strange scarecrow appeared in the dark of night. But is it a scarecrow? Some think it could be the remains of the old pumpkin farmer, or maybe someone’s sick joke of a scarecrow made up of decaying human remains. Whatever it is, no one is willing to remove it.

And yes, the birds…they keep arriving. It started with just a few, but the flock just keeps growing. It appears they are congregating with a dark purpose and their endless squawks seem to summon even more of their brethren. Or maybe the birds and the rest of the mayhem is being caused by the rituals performed around the old, crumbling mausoleum.

So be sure to pay us a visit and see if you can help us try and control the chaos at the farm’s edge and the Old Mill Cemetery. Be wary when you stop by, as you never know what might happen.

The Kill on Old Mill started many years ago with Halloween revelers visiting our house and peering through the front windows, eager to get a glimpse at the dark and foggy living room graveyard. As years passed, and people’s time on earth expired, we were forced to expand the cemetery into the front yard and garage. We’re not sure if it’s the makeup of the soil, or events stricken from the recorded history of the area, but the expanding cemetery seems to have left a calling card for the undead.
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  • Kill OMG

    I look forward to the new creations every year. Always over the top.

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    Posted October 2018

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  • Great haunted house with new items every year

    Very well done haunted house with lots of stuff displayed. We stop by every year to see the new displays and drop off something for the food pantry. Wonderful displays for Halloween - this year includes a new funeral Car outside...

    Scare Factor:
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    Posted October 2016

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  • Fantastic!

    A great house packed with lots of ghouls. We stop by this house every year and there is always something new and the standard favorites. We also bring a donation to their local food pantry.

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    Posted October 2015

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