
Bachelor's Grove Cemetery - Midlothian IL Real Haunted Places

  • 143rd Avenue
  • Midlothian, IL
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Located on the outskirts of Chicago, this cemetery is believed to be one of the most haunted places in the region. Over the years, many have reported accounts of paranormal phenomena occurring - some go back to the 1800s.

At one time the area was much like a park where you could fish and swim in an adjacent pond. Picnics would also be held under the trees. Things started to change when a nearby road was closed and as it became more and more isolated, so did the result of vandalism and decay. Gravestones were knocked over, spray painted on, and in some cases broken or stolen. Some say graves were even opened and caskets were removed, which many believe led to the area becoming haunted. Others believe it was the result of some using the area for black magic and occult activities.

Those who have reported of paranormal activity include seeing a ghostly female figure sitting on a tombstone and an apparition of a horse emerging from the pond pulling a plow with an old man on it. At the nearby Midlothian Turnpike, some have seen ghost cars appearing and vanishing. The cemetery now appears abandoned and covered in woods with a "No Trespassing" sign, but many have managed to gain access through a hole that's been left in the fence by trespassers.
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  • The most scariest night Ever!

    Before entering the cemetery a group of us stopped and got new batteries and flashlights to be able to see once inside the cemetery. we didn’t want to just rely on our flashlight to our cell phones so we wanted backup. We drove to an area of the cemetery where it was dark and less noticeable sneaking in immediately we all felt chills we continue walking very slowly through the cemetery about 100 ft in we saw this glowing lateen outside this old house the closer we walked towards the light the farther the house got suddenly one at a time our flashlights started flickering then went totally out and wouldn’t come back on we all tried using our phones they were dead too and we all had fully charged phones before entering the cemetery we all stay getting really scared at this point and just held hands and started to feel our way through the dark Cemetery then the ground started to crackle and these thick vines in the ground started moving twisted and turning we all started running to get out of the cemetery as we made it out we look back and we saw three orbs of light dash through the cemetery then disappeared as we all got home we checked the flashlights and they all came back on and our phones were back fully charged my leg was burning so badly when I lifted up my jeans there were deep cuts around both my lower legs and ankles where the vines were twisting in the cemetery we all today still talk about our experience at Bachelor Grove Cemetery in October of 2015!!!

    Posted 10/26/22

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  • This is open to the public

    The graveyard was cleaned up and a fence was put around it. It is not vandalized as it once was. You can park across the street and walk the trail to the cemetery now during the day. I grew up nearby and would take a walk here a few times a year. Def a creepy vibe but I have never seen anything.

    Posted 10/7/22

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  • Creepy yet sad feeling there

    I have been to Bachelors Grove many times. The first time was when my kids were young and we went before the parking lot closed. I was taking random pictures only to keep finding many orbs around my son. We found a lot of orbs as well when we were leaving. My son asked if they were moons...he was around 8. It was cool to be out there at night time but still a bit creepy! Safety in numbers ALWAYS!!

    Posted 10/22/17

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 7,688
Last edit to this listing: 8/17/2015 (3506 days ago)

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