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John Wayne Gacy House Location - Chicago IL Real Haunted Place

  • 8213 West Summerdale Ave.
  • Chicago, IL
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John Wayne Gacy was a serial killer back in the 1970's who hid the remains of at least 29 different people in and around his home on Summerdale Avenue. In 1979, the home was demolished, but locals were confused at the fact that the lot remained mostly barren for years after. The grass and weeds did not seem to grow at all on the property. Because of this, stories began to emerge that the property was haunted by Gacy's ghostly victims. In 1989, a new home was built on the property. Its new owner petitioned the city to change the number of the street address.
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  • Not scary

    I have always wanted to go see the John gay racy house but it was demolished so I had to look at the new house that was built on top of the property the new house was beautiful it was a man coming in and out of the garage looking at me like he don't know why I was there but besides that it was just the house it was just what John Wayne Gacy did underneath the house that was the scary part but it's part of History so you got to go see it if you like it or not

    Posted 4/1/24

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Visitors to this page: 110,810
Last edit to this listing: 4/25/2016 (3254 days ago)

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