
Robinson Woods - Chicago IL Haunted Place

  • East River Road and Lawrence Avenue
  • Chicago, IL
  • 800-870-3666
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Real Haunted Cemeteries, Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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A visit to the Robinson Family Monument, particularly toward the left side of it can have you experiencing haunts. Many reportedly have seen, heard, and smelled what would indicate hauntings. Some have seen ghostly shadows, red or white orbs, ectoplasm mist, heard strange sounds, and the scent of violet and lavendar when it was the dead of winter.

While it is now a forest preserve, the land at one time was given to the family of Alexander Robinson. Robinson was the chief of several American Indian tribes. He helped save American lives during the Fort Dearborn Massacre. A large memorial marks the burial ground where his wife and several kin are interred, and it was promised that he'd also reside here when he died, but the City broke its promise and he was buried somewhere else. Since then, many believe the haunting events are the result of his spirit present here.
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  • Duck that it real

    Heard about skinwalkers scream and my bro pulled a gun out had goosebumps someone figure it out

    Posted 4/17/24

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  • Unanticipated Paranormal Experience

    It was December 2012, dead of winter in Chicago. My day started across the street at The Pavilions apartment complex. We were in our late teens celebrating my brothers birthday in the parking lot of the complex. Security quickly ran us off and we went into the woods deep enough to no longer be able to see traffic from the street. While partying I began to see floating orb like lights in the distance at first I thought they were flashlights, but they had no point of origin. I began to hear the beating of Tom Tom drums and chanting which I could hear surrounding me small chants from all directions. I recollect smelling flowers and found that weird as it was winter. The following morning I told my brother he said it was a native burial ground and went back to sleep. A month later I went to google and found others had the same experiences. I couldn’t talk about it after without feeling a strong emotion wash over me. I didn’t go looking for it, but it found me. I didn’t go in knowing that it was haunted as I’m from the south side of Chicago and never heard of Robinson Woods.

    Posted 2/10/21

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  • Orbs near the Robinson Grave stone

    I have no illusions about Ghosts, or anything supernatural for that matter! One day, about 5 Blocks west and north of the Robinson markers, I was alone one early November day in a Forest Preserve parking lot waiting to pick-up my ex-wife who worked on Peterson and Pulaski/Crawford! It was quiet with no cars or people in sight...extremely quite! Well, I was nose-in toward the forests when all of a sudden two Orbs floated by! The larger one was almost white and very big, about the size of a Beachball! The second one was a bit darker and smaller, about the size of a big soccer ball, yes somewhat bigger than a soccer ball! They were round with slight fuzziness on the outside and they were side by side, much like a couple walking in the park? They floated about 2-4 miles an hour right past my van, so I got a good look at them! No sound, no cars, not a bird chirping anywhere! I was not frightened as I was sitting in my Van feeling pretty secure! They floated North and disappeared into the brush, and the whole incident lasted maybe 10 seconds! Never thought much about it, but two things? One, my Mom and Dad are buried in St. Adelbert's Cemetery on Milwaukee avenue A couple of blocks north of Devon, and an Indian burial ground is not far away!! But , my mom was fairly dark of partial Mediterranean blood and was smaller than my Dad! My Dad was bigger and lighter skinned as he was of Slavic blood! There was some comparisons to the two Orbs I saw floating side by side! This was around 2005-2006 in November!

    Posted 10/23/20

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  • Pretty but not scarry

    When I was in Corps school for the Navy a few friends and I went exploring these woods. Myself and I other person ventured in the woods and went pretty deep to explore but none of us felt anything. Besides that, the woods are super pretty especially during the end of fall/beginning of winter. Maybe if you were alone it would be scary but just walking down the streets of Chicago alone is scary. Also yes both my friend and I had experienced paranormal beings in our lives.

    Posted 9/20/20

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  • Gave me goosebumps

    In 2001, a couple of my friends decided they wanted to go ghost hunting and heard that this place was haunted. I've got a brief story about the Robinson family and Indians. We step foot into the forest late at night and already from walking in there, I knew it was not right. I am sensitive to paranormal things that I felt so much pressure as I usually do when I'm in a haunted place. It was like the whole forest was heavy in its atmosphere. One of my friend was chasing something and 'cornered' it. As I got closer, I saw a silhouette of a man shape and its eyes were glowing red. I told him to stop taunting it because it was angry. I walked away as he didn't listen and went into a clearing with a tall old tree and kept looking up. My other friend came to me and asked me what was up when I told him that I can't help but feel like people have died here. Like there must have been a hanging or something horrible. Because I felt more than one being in the area. It was almost unbearable to breathe in as my chest felt tighter as we went further into the forest. Something was nagging me telling me to leave, they were not happy that we were there. I remember trying to tell my friends, let's go, we need to leave now. Because I felt something coming and it wasn't good. I have no idea what it was but it was moving fast toward us. And I looked over my shoulder and saw a circle of light in the distant. I kid you not, I was hearing drums. We all heard it. I was getting frantic and telling them we need to leave and I thought we were lost because my friend's friend led us in so fast. We didn't see no path or anything but had to guess where we were to find out way out. I think it took us a while to get out that once we were out of the forest, all that heavy feeling lifted off of us and we felt free and extremely exhausted and quiet. If you were to go into this place, enter at your own risk.

    Posted 10/9/19

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  • Delivery for work

    One summer day I was making a delivery for work I was driving north on river road not far from Laurence ave. when I heard someone call my name I looked to my left and saw a path leading into the woods, I parked my truck one the first street on the left, cross the street walked down the path and found the Robinson monument, started reading it when the wind started picking up and the sound of Tom-toms and chanting started! I yelled your not funny, no response! So I ran down the path ran across River road got in my truck and took off! That was back in the late 1980’s... I returned back in2016 I wasn’t able to find the exact location but I did park my car at one space in front by the rock marker started reading the marker the wind picked up and about 5 deer started walking towards me just staring at me, it creeped me out so I got in my car and one of the deer came right up to the passenger window and stared at me! I immediately started my car and took off! The End? or is it?

    Posted 9/28/19

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  • A really creepy place

    I have not been back to Robinson woods in a long time, but used to live close to the location back in the 90's. A friend and I had a couple hours to kill during the day and decided to take a walk in the woods. The first feeling we had both noticed was it felt like some was watching us but we continued down the trail. We stayed on the trail and did not experience anything else except the watching feeling. We had somewhere else to be so we were watching the time, after about 30 minutes of hiking we turned around to hike back out, expecting to be back at the entrance in 30 minutes but this was not the case. We finally exited the woods about 50 minutes later and several blocks from the entrance where we began. I do not recall ever deviating from the path and the path we followed did not have any forks unless we just missed one and that's what we have always racked it up to, not paying attention. But to this day I still question that hike. On another occasion a group of four of us went to the woods late at night after midnight sometime and we entered the woods and stopped at the memorial stone near the entrance and were telling the couple people the story and some of the things people have reported smelling, hearing, and seeing there. As we were making our way further into the woods there was an ungodly screech, one unlike I have never heard before. We all paused and looked at each other in disbelief. and then a second screech seemingly closer than the first. No one said nothing, the look of terror on all our faces. We all turned to the exit and began running and exited the woods. Outside the woods we all wondered what that was and have never returned to the woods. A couple years later I found out about skinwalkers / rakes and have seen a video with the same screech and the two in the video running from the sound much like we did that night in the woods. Could this have been the screech we heard, it scared me and also made me more curious about the place. I would go back but live further away now and time gets in the way. I recommend anyone interested in paranormal to go and investigate this location.

    Posted 7/10/18

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  • The real deal

    I work nearby and like to listen to my friends band or take my lunch to the woods if I have the time. While on a walk I saw something shiny off the path and decided to investigate. It was only a fake plastic "bitcoin?" but I pocketed it anyway since it looked cool and I didn't want a deer to eat it. When i returned to the office, I could immediately sense the heavy presence described by the others. My boss could sense it too, asking immediately, "got anything?" I told him what I had found and he insisted I return the coin. Cant say this was a paranormal experience but definitely made me think twice about some of these stories!

    Posted 2/27/18

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  • Scary at night

    A few of my friends heard strange knocking sounds during a night visit. I did my on little investigation. Although, I had no experiences during my time alone there. The place gives off a certain heavy presence, like something is watching from a distance. I did film and created a mini documentary about my time there. Anyone is welcome to watch it on my youtube channel Artemorbid

    Posted 10/23/17

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  • Real haunted

    I was visiting the place at night with the cousins it was about 3 am challange. We were all laughing going inside the place. As soon as 5 mins deep into the woods place felt like a heavy atmosphere. We heard a scream and I recorded it and also as soon we heard that I saw a stick just pointing up. My voice in the video was cracking then we all saw a black shadow ran next to us we just lasted 25 mins and scariest experience ever

    Posted 6/4/17

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  • Creeptastic

    Staying on the trails is family friendly bit you stray and come across some weird sites. While we were there during the day and no ghostly interactions were found the overall feel is dreary. We found some shoes and bloody bones tied high in the trees along side a makeshift hut which made my heart race a bit being off the trail. If you're adventurous and don't mind getting a bit lost, I recommend straying from your path!

    Posted 5/24/16

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    6 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 8/17/2015 (3506 days ago)

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