
Schweppe Mansion - Real Haunts in Lake Forest IL

  • 405 N. Mayflower Rd.
  • Lake Forest, IL
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This mansion dates back to 1917 and was a wedding gift from Mr. and Mrs. John G. Shedd to their daughter Laura and her new husband, Charles Schweppe. In 1941, Charles shot himself dead in his bedroom, leaving on a note on the dresser that said, "I've been awake all night. It's terrible." The reasoning behind his suicide is unknown. After Laura passed away, the mansion sat empty for 46 years. Stories say the spirits of Charles and Laura remain here, along with several servants. The mansion was purchased and restored in 1987 and has been on the market with a pretty high price tag - anywhere between $9 Million-$18 Million over the years.
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  • Lived here - grandson

    So many scary instances and had to leave but it truly is an amazing place

    Posted 2/17/21

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  • Don't leave your car, cops patrol and neighbors are watching

    I was curious and decided to make a stop by to see if the rumours are true you get a very sad eerie vibe when you drive the long dry way towards the house this is a shared driveway between the mansion and the neighbour I went around the roundabout driveway very slowly got my pictures and video and left I do not stay in linger or get out of my car Especially because the neighbours live very close by and are watching to make sure there are no strangers nearby They will call the cops. Enter at your own risk.

    Posted 1/25/21

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  • Cops got me

    Not worth it

    Posted 12/8/19

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    2 out of 4 found this review helpful

  • LF haunt

    just be careful because cops patrol heavily

    Posted 3/24/19

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    4 out of 4 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 7,771
Last edit to this listing: 3/30/2016 (3280 days ago)

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